It Is Never Fair

Aku tahu ini semua tak adil,
Aku tahu ini sudah terjadi,
Mau bilang apa aku pun tak sanggup,
Airmata pun tak lagi mau menitis....

Excerpt from a song called 'Sandiwara Cinta" by an Indonesian Band called Repvblik....This song just hit me straight to my heart, I know it sounds stupid and absurd but i do cry listening to this lame song. Maybe my heart is not properly heal, i'm just putting on a brave face for tomorrow... Ya Allah how i miss her a lot :(


Sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak and when you feel weak, you feel like you just wanna give up. But you gotta search within you. You gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up, and not to be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

Hold On To Your Hope

Life may not be going well for me now, but as long as we are here, as long as you press forward, anything is possible. Hold on to that hope....

As Long As I Live

As long as i live, i will sing your name in my dreams,
As long as i live, this sorrow will never ease away,
As long as i live, this heart of mine will never heal,
As long as i live, i will always love you,
Always have and always will,
As i rest my faith and my hope to Allah....
May Allah be merciful and listen to my prayers.... Insyaallah

Empty Room

Feeling much better today, glance at her beautiful smile... a smile could melt even the coldest glacier, hahaha now i'm selling too much. Her smile just warms up my soul and heart, the world is perfect in that moment :)

Watching 'Warm Bodies', one of the most suprising movie this year i must say! Love it! Now watching SRK movie entitiled 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan'...kinda good so far.

Well, i miss her dearly...goodnight wherever you are....

Wake Me Up When September Ends

It's been a year since I've posted anything here...well i thought i was finally happy and broke free from my eternal chain that have been dragging me down all these years. Yet i was wrong, life threw me a curveball once again. Something inside this old heart of mine has died...never i thought it would be as painful and excruciating as this. I honestly think i could never ever recover after this again, just a part of me has died forever and vanish.

Sometimes it feels like nothing in this world is worth fighting or dying for.... does the pain weigh out the pride? I really feel empty and hurt inside. I'm not the type of person who gives up easily but this time, this time it really takes a huge toll to my poor old heart.

Nothing's ever built to last i guess, just wishful thinking perhaps in my part. I just spent all my energy and soul this time around as my faith walks on broken glass. I guess Allah has a better design or plans for me ( comforting myself ). I have to keep my chin up, keep hoping and try to endure this storm.

“When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope.” - I wish i could believe this.

Wake me up when September ends....

Bangsar Blues

New job, new possibilities... and new dreams. Bangsar is now my new anchor and place to reek havoc!

About this blog

Hope, Memories and Inspiration plowing through this concrete jungle
